Changes to Masses in Ennis

Published on October 24, 2017

   mass-schedules1As you will be aware, since the Killaloe Diocesan changes during the summer, two of our Ennis priests are now serving the parishes of Quin and Tulla. This means that an additional six masses have been added to the weekend schedule of the Ennis clergy. As a result of these changes and not wishing to put extra pressure on our retired clergy we have undertaken a review of the weekend mass times in the Ennis Parish.

 We have endeavoured to ensure the best possible sacramental service in our parish at the weekends. However this has meant that it is necessary to cut back on the number of masses celebrated in the parish on Sundays. We have taken the time to consult as widely as possible by survey, by census count and discussion at parish council and cluster level to ensure that in spite of the necessity of cutting back on the number of masses we offer people as wide a choice as possible in the town.

 We are conscious of people’s devotion to particular masses which they have traditionally attended for many years and regret any disappointment that this necessary change may cause. The current timetable for the Vigil Masses on Saturday evening will remain the same. The Cathedral, St. Joseph’s, The Friary and Cahercalla Hospital will each loose a Sunday Mass. Despite the reduction in the number of masses there are still 13 masses each weekend in Ennis. We have tried in so far as possible to ensure that there is a mass starting almost every half hour in town between 7.45am and 12noon on Sunday. The new timetable is outlined below and will come into effect on the First Sunday in Advent on Sunday 3rd December 2017. We thank you for your understanding and co-operation. There will be no change to the current weekday mass schedule for the time being.


Saturday Evening Vigil Masses                                 Sunday Morning Masses


6.30pm            Cathedral                                        7.45am            Poor Clare’s Oratory

7.00pm            St. Joseph’s                                     8.00am            Cloughleigh

7.30pm            Friary                                                9.00am            Hospital

                                                                                    9.30am            Cathedral

                                                                                    10.00am          St. Joseph’s

                                                                                    10.30am          Friary

                                                                                    11.00am          Cloughleigh

                                                                                    11.30am          Cathedral

                                                                                    11.45am          St. Joseph’s

                                                                                    12noon            Friary