Celebrating 65 Years of Priesthood

Published on June 16, 2021

The Parish of Ennis congratulates two priests of the Killaloe Diocese who celebrate 65 years of priesthood this Thursday 17th June. Canon Seamus Mullen and Canon Brendan O’Donoghue were ordained to the priesthood in St Patrick’s College Maynooth on the 17th June 1956.
Both priests served in the parish of Ennis for 29 years between them. Canon Brendan from 1966 to 1988 and Canon Seamus from 1982 to 1989. Prior to serving in Ennis Parish both priests served on the staff of St. Flannan’s College. After leaving Ennis in the 1980s Canon Brendan went to Shannon Parish and Canon Seamus to Miltown Malbay parish where they continue to minister to the needs of the faithful to this day. In August both priests will celebrate their  90th birthdays.
We in the parish of Ennis thank these two very faithful priests whose legacy bears fruit to this day. Ad Multos Annos!
We also remember with gratitude Canon Pat Taaffe, Canon Reuben Butler, and Fr Paddy Carmody of the class of 1956. May they rest in peace, Amen.