100 Years Young!

Published on June 26, 2023

On Monday 26th June Nora Dinan from Willow Park celebrated her 100th birthday. Born in Maghera on 26th June 1923, Nora worked all her life in the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, as chief cashier. On her retirement, Nora came to live in Willow Park 40 years ago, where she enjoys good health and great neighbours.
Nora is a daily mass-goer in the Friary and is to be seen walking the town most days. Nora enjoyed celebrating with her family in Maghera on Sunday and on the day of her birthday, Nora’s neighbours in Willow Park organised a surprise garden party where friends and neighbours joined together in wishing Nora every blessing as she begins the next century. Nora was also greeted by the youngest resident of Willow Park, 3-month-old Mila Chamiga.
We congratulate Nora and wish her continued good health and happiness.