“This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad” ~ Psalm 118:24
These were the opening words of Archbishop Dermot Farrell at the ordination ceremony of Fr. Damian O.F.M. in the Franciscan Friary, Merchant’s Quay, Dublin, on Saturday 24th April.  Fr. Damian, a Waterford man, is a member of the Franciscan Fraternity here in Ennis.  We the parishioners of Ennis rejoice and are glad that Damian, our deacon, is now a priest and on Friday 30th April Fr. Damian celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving in the Cathedral. We wish him every blessing for his future ministry.  Ad multos annos!
Our thanks to Fr. Liam Kelly OFM and Fr. David Collins OFM for the photos of the Ordination and also to John Kelly from the Clare Champion.