
Killaloe Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Bishop Fintan led this year’s Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes from 27th June to 3rd July.
The Franciscan Pilgrimage takes place on 22nd September and our Killaloe Diocesan Autumn Pilgrimage takes place on 2nd October. Both for five nights flying direct from Shannon Airport with a flight time of one hour and fifty minutes.

100 Years Young!

On Monday 26th June Nora Dinan from Willow Park celebrated her 100th birthday. Born in Maghera on 26th June 1923, Nora worked all her life in the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, as chief cashier. On her retirement, Nora came to live in Willow Park 40 years ago, where she enjoys good health and great neighbours.

Apostolic Work Display

The annual Display of the Killaloe Diocesan Apostolic Workers took place at the parish Centre on Saturday 24th June. Bishop Fintan opened the display and thanked the many volunteers who make life for our missionaries possible with their supply of vestments, sacred vessels, and missionary projects. Representatives of many Missionary societies spoke of their gratitude…

St. Anthony’s Novena

People came in great numbers to the Friary on St Anthony’s Day to celebrate the feast, pray together, and have their lilies blessed. Our thanks to Fr David Collins OFM Guardian of the Abbey Galway for leading us in this year’s Novena. Our thanks also to Pat Hanrahan for the photos.

Killaloe Diocesan Appointments 2023

Bishop Fintan has announced the Killaloe Diocesan Appointments which are to take effect from Friday 28th of July, except where otherwise stated. Click here to view the changes


Feast of Corpus Christi

Fr. Fernando celebrated Mass for the Polish Community to celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi in the Cathedral. After Mass, all gathered for the traditional Corpus Christi Procession in the grounds of the Cathedral.

Fleadh Nua Mass and Blessing of the Roads

Bishop Fintan celebrated Mass in the Cathedral on Sunday 4th June, the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, to celebrate the 49th year of Fleadh Nua in Ennis.
Under the direction of Cathedral Choir Director Fiona Walsh and Therese McInerney Traditional Musician and Broadcaster, the Mass was enriched with the gifts and talents of music,…

Silver Jubilee of Fr Paschal Hanrahan

On Pentecost Sunday 1998 in the Cathedral of SS Peter & Paul Ennis, Bishop Willie Walsh ordained Paschal Hanrahan to the priesthood for service in the Diocese of Killaloe. Paschal, son of the late Paschal (senior) and Gertie Hanrahan, Gallows Hill, has served in Kilrush and as an army Chaplain. Currently, he is Head Chaplain…

Annual Mass at the Cliffs of Moher

The annual Mass at the Cliffs of Moher took place on Thursday 18th May Fr Martin Shanahan, Frs Martin & Tom were joined by Deacon Leonard Cleary.
After Mass Deacon Leonard blessed the four corners of the Cliffs as the congregation remembered and prayed for the one million people who visit the cliffs each…

Killaloe Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Bishop Fintan will lead the Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes from Shannon Airport on Tuesday 27th June, returning Sunday 2nd July. The cost is €809 including flight, airport transfers, full board with three meals a day, and sanctuary levy. For more information and bookings, please contact Joe Walsh Tours on 01-2410800 or email