
Stations of the Cross on Good Friday

Fr Ger and parishioners in Cloughleigh organised outdoor Stations of the Cross. With the help of Fr Martin and others, they brought the Gospel to the streets. Our thanks to Bishop Fintan for the photos.

Chrism Mass in the Cathedral

People & priests gathered from all over the Diocese of Killaloe on Spy Wednesday evening at the Cathedral of SS Peter & Paul. During this Mass, Bishop Fintan blessed the oils used in the Sacraments and priests renewed their commitment to the priesthood. Our thanks to Pat Hanrahan for the photos.

Spring Cleaning in the Cathedral

A massive thank you to the many people who turned out on the Tuesday of Holy Week to give the Cathedral a spring clean. In less than three hours with a break for coffee/tea during Mass, the Cathedral was transformed. The help of so many made the occasion both enjoyable and worthwhile. Our thanks to…

Clare Roots Society Book Launch

On Wednesday 22nd March Clare Roots Society launched its latest publications:
Hermitage by Joe Shannon,
and Erasmus Smith House, incorporating Harmony Row, St Anthony’s Terrace, and Springfield, by Lucille Ellis.
The launch took place in the Parish Centre after Mass was celebrated in the Cathedral for all deceased residents of Heritage, Harmony…

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

The day began when Bishop Fintan held the traditional blessing of the Shamrock for members of the 22nd Infantry Battalion Association before celebrating Mass with pupils and teachers from Rice College leading the Liturgy in music, dancing, and singing. The students took part also in the readings and prayers as Gaelige. The celebrations continued with…

Turkey and Syria Emergency Appeal – Thank You!

On the last weekend of February, we held an Emergency Appeal to help victims of the earthquake in Syria/Turkey. Your wonderful generosity raised €20,360. Thank you for responding so generously.


This year Trócaire celebrates 50 years of reaching out to the poor and working for social justice in parts of the world where poverty and injustice exist. Through the generosity of Irish people over the past 50 years, the quality of life has improved for so many people.
The Trócaire Lenten Campaign begins this…

World Day of the Sick in Lourdes

The day began with Mass at the Grotto at 7.30am. At 10.00am the recently ordained Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes, Bishop John Marc, was the principal celebrant at the International Mass for the Sick in which 15,000 people gathered in the underground basilica to pray for all who are sick and in need of healing…

Fr Michael Visits Ennis

Ireland’s newest Priest recently ordained Fr Michael McCaul from Derry, returned to Ennis this weekend to celebrate Mass in St Joseph’s Church for pupils from Ennis CBS where Fr Michael is a past pupil. After Mass, the newly ordained priest gave his blessing to all present. Please pray for Fr Michael as he begins his…

Launch of Bishop Fintan’s Book: His Homeward Journey

Bishop Fintan’s latest book on the life and ministry of the recently deceased Pope Benedict XVI was launched at the 6.30pm Mass in the Cathedral on Saturday 28th January and the book was available for sale after Mass. Published by Veritas, ‘His Homeward Journey’ is also available for sale at €10 from the Parish Office.