
Commitment to Abstinence

Forty two first-year students from Rice College have made a commitment to abstain from alcohol and illicit drugs during their secondary school years. The school supported the students making the commitment with a presentation of certificates. Mr Louis Mulqueen School Principal, and Fr Tom, school Chaplain, presented the certificates at a ceremony in the school…

Annual Ecumenical Carol Service

The annual Ecumenical Carol Service for Ennis Parish took place this year in the Franciscan Friary on the Fourth Sunday of Advent which this year was the feast of St Flannan, our Diocesan Patron. Fr Brendan McGrath OFM Guardian at the Friary welcomed everyone present and online. Michelle Hennessy Choir Director at the Friary was…

Festival of Cribs in Liscannor

Despite the frosty foggy weather, the Festival of Cribs took place on the third weekend of Advent in St Bridget’s Church. Liscannor. Fr Denis Crosby, Parish Priest of Liscannor, shares his 850 cribs from all around the world. Our thanks to Fr Denis and to our photographer Pat Hanrahan who captured the memories to share…

Ennis Friary and Poor Clare Heating Appeal

Both the Franciscan Friars and Poor Clare Sisters appreciate the generosity of so many who have contributed to their appeal. If you wish to make a donation to their heating appeal, please leave your contribution in the Friary Office or the Parish Office marked “Friary & Poor Clare Heating Appeal“.
The sisters and friars…

Strengthening Our Faith

3rd-year students from Rice College attended a retreat called Strengthening Our Faith, held in the Community Centre, Chapel Lane, on Thursday 1st December. It was an opportunity for the students to pray and learn more about Edmund Rice, founder of the Christian Brothers, and what it means to be a student of an Edmund Rice…

Sculpture in Honour of the Ursuline and Presentation Sisters Unveiled

A recently commissioned sculpture by Shane Gilmore was unveiled at the entrance to St. Anne’s School in Lifford.
In January 1829 four Ursuline Sisters, a novice, and two postulants together with six boarding school pupils took up residence in Lifford House, Corrovorrin, with the intention of providing education for the girls of Ennis.

Share a Cup of Warm Wishes

Once again this Advent we have our tea bag sachets for sale in both the parish Office and in the Friary Office. One sachet for € 3 or two for €5 with all proceeds going to the Cathedral Renovation Appeal.
This annual fundraiser is a lovely gift to share with people inviting them to…

Congratulations to Bro Ian Cunningham OFM

We congratulate our parishioner Bro Ian Cunningham OFM who was instituted as an Acolyte in St Isidore’s College in Rome by the Minister Provincial of the Franciscan Friars of Ireland, Fr Aidan McGrath OFM. We wish Bro Ian, a past pupil of St Flannan’s College, and his colleague Bro Philip McMahon OFM every blessing as…

Cemetery Sunday

This year was a first for Cemetery Sunday with the Blessing of those interred in the Columbarium in the Cathedral. In the past year since the Columbarium was consecrated, 18 people have been interred. Families and friends gathered to remember and pray after the 11.30am Mass.
In the afternoon in winter sunshine, people gathered…

Fr Joseph MacMahon OFM R.I.P.

On 29th October our brother, Joe MacMahon OFM, went home peacefully to God after a long illness. He was 80 years old.
A member of the Ennis fraternity, Joe was born in Limerick in 1942. He entered the Franciscan novitiate in Killarney in 1960, and the following year celebrated his First Profession. After studies in…