
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg

Bishop Fintan, Fr Antun, Fr John Molloy, and Fr Rexon accompanied the pilgrims to Lough Derg, the first pilgrimage since 2019. Our thanks to Geraldine Cummins and Tikki Daly for organising this year’s pilgrimage and to Bishop Fintan for the photos.

Reek Sunday

The last Sunday in July is the traditional day for climbing Ireland’s holiest mountain, Croagh Patrick.
Bishop Fintan was one of the first to climb the mountain this morning, where he celebrated Mass as Gaelige on the summit at 10.00 am, offering the Mass for safety for all who use the roads on this…

Abbey Cluster Changes 2022

In this years Diocesan changes, we welcome back Fr. Martin Blake as co-pp in the Abbey Pastoral Area.  Fr. Martin will reside in the Cathedral House.  We wish every blessing to Fr. Antun who has received his first appointment as a priest in our Diocese.  Fr. Antun will be a curate in the Cronan Pastoral…

Killaloe Diocesan Changes 2022

On Wednesday 13th July, Bishop Fintan announced the annual Diocesan changes for 2022.  The changes become effective from Friday 26th August.

Killaloe Clergy Appointments July 2022






Killaloe Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes June 2022

Pilgrims from the Killaloe Diocese returned to Lourdes this week for the first time since the pandemic began. The last pilgrimage took place in 2019. 114 pilgrims departed from Shannon Airport on Tuesday, 28th of June, and spent six days at the Marian Shrine in the south of France, where the Virgin Mary appeared 164…

Fr. John Bane’s Golden Jubilee

A gathering took place today to welcome home Archbishop Eugene Nugent Papal Nuncio to Kuwait and Qatar and to celebrate Fr John Bane’s Golden Jubilee. Archbishop Eugene’s first parish was Ennis Cathedral as a curate in 1984 where he worked with Canon Brendan O’ Donoghue, Fr Joe Hourigan, and Fr John Bane. The other member…

Organ Donors and Transplant Recipients Memorial

A gathering took place at the newly created memorial in Friars Walk Ennis to acknowledge all Donors and their families who generously donated organs. Fr Tom led a prayer of blessing and thanks. The memorial was provided by the Clare Branch of the Irish Kidney Association.

St. Anthony Novena 2022

Our thanks for Fr Antony Jukes OFM Killarney who conducted this year’s Novena in the Friary. On the feast of St. Anthony people flocked in their hundreds to celebrate the feast and bless their lilies. The Friary Choir under the Direction of Michelle Hennessy provided the music on the day.

Fr. Brendan Lawlor R.I.P.

Assistant Priest in Tulla, Co. Clare. Michael Patrick Brendan Lawlor was born in O’Brien’s Bridge Co. Clare on the 4th of March 1930. He began studies for the priesthood in St. Patricks College, Maynooth in 1948. He was ordained to the priesthood on the 19th June 1955 for the diocese of St. Augustine Florida. His…

Parish Office Opening Hours

From Tuesday 7th June the Parish Office will open from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm including lunchtime.
Ennis Friary Office will open
Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 5.30 pm
Saturday 9.30 am to 2.30 pm