
St. Patrick’s Day in Ennis 2022

The day began with the traditional blessing of Shamrock. Bishop Fintan welcomed the Mayor of Ennis Anne Norton and members of the Reserved Defence Forces and the Clare 22nd Battalion Association. After the blessing, Bishop Fintan presented sprigs of Shamrock to each member present.
This was followed by the celebration of Mass in the…

Ennis Camino Walk for Rice College Students

Transition Year students from Rice College organised a Camino walk through Ennis on Monday 28th February visiting the Sacred story of the town along with teacher Ms. Chambers, Fr Joy, and Deacon Antun.

Social Distanced Seats in Ennis Cathedral

Here in the Cathedral we have retained social distancing seating (every second seat) on the side aisle seats from the Baptismal font back to St. Anthony’s Shrine.
We ask people to be respectful of others and still maintain distance.

Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes took place in the Cathedral from Thursday 3rd February and concluded on Friday 11th February, World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Well done and many thanks to all involved.

Synodal Pathway – Online Survey

Pope Francis wants to hear from the whole Church about what is happening in local parishes. He and the bishops would like to know what individuals think we should all be doing to help make our parishes better. The way he has proposed doing this is a synodal process. Synod means “journeying together” and it involves…

First Holy Communion Dates for Ennis Parish Schools 2022

The First Holy Communion dates for Ennis Parish Schools 2022

are as follows:

Afterschool 2nd April
Ennis National School 7th May
Gaelscoil 14th May
Holy Family School 21st May

Confirmation Dates for Ennis Parish Schools 2022

The Confirmation dates for Ennis Parish Schools 2022

are as follows:

Ennis National School 25th March
Holy Family School 1st April
Afterschool 2nd April
Gaelscoil 20th May

Poor Clare Monastery

Following the relaxation of restrictions last weekend, the Poor  Clare Sisters will reopen their chapel for public Mass and prayer from Sunday 30th January.
Mass will take place each morning at 7.45 am. Rosary, evening prayer, and Benediction will take place each Sunday evening at 5.00 pm

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2022

It is hoped to have a Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes this year. Dates have yet to be finalised.
However, given the continued presence of Covid-19 and in accordance with best practice at this time, the pilgrimage will not accommodate sick or assisted pilgrims in 2022.
Sick and assisted pilgrims will be able to…

Blessing of Cloughleigh Marian Shrine

Bishop Fintan assisted by Fr Ger Jones celebrated Sunday Mass in Cloughleigh on the second Sunday of Advent After Mass Bishop Fintan blessed the new Marian shrine in the grounds of the Oratory. The shrine was built by the local community and the statute of our Lady came from the grounds of the former Our…