
First Interment of Ashes in Ennis Parish Columbarium

The first interment of ashes has taken place in our new columbarium which was approved by the Pastoral and Finance Committees of Ennis Parish last year and consecrated as a place of rest by Bishop Fintan on 21st October 2021. RTÉ News broadcast a report on the event on Saturday 6th November – click…

Fr. Michael Sheedy R.I.P.

The death has occurred of Fr. Michael Sheedy, Kilrush, on Wednesday 3rd November. We extend our sympathy and think of his family, his many friends, and colleagues throughout the diocese.
Fr Michael, a native of Cooraclare, was ordained in 1965. He spent 3 years in Dromore Diocese followed by a term in Birmingham.

Lest we Forget

Our thanks to Paddy Brennan for his very generous donation of €2750, the profits of his latest publication, Lest we Forget, which has now sold out.
Pat nominated the Cathedral Renovation Appeal as the beneficiary.

Work Commences on St. Joseph’s Church

Work on the roof of St Joseph’s Church has commenced and is scheduled to take 8-10 weeks. Please exercise caution around the church at this time. Thank you.

November Masses for the Holy Souls

During the month of November, Mass will be offered each day for all who are on the November Dead list of our parish.
Envelopes are available in the porches of all Churches and in the Parish Office. You can write the names of those you want remembered. Masses will begin on All Souls’ Day.

Consecration of Columbarium in Ennis Cathedral

On Thursday 21st October Bishop Fintan Monahan consecrated the Columbarium in the Cathedral of SS. Peter & Paul Ennis. This is the first Cathedral in Ireland to have a Columbarium, a place where the cremated remains of loved ones can be interred.
Eternum Columbarium is the company that provides this facility for churches and the…

Synod on Synodality

During a liturgical celebration in the Vatican last Sunday, Pope Francis opened the first phase of the 16th Synod of Bishops which will meet in Rome in 2023 and whose theme is:
For a Synodal Church Communion, Participation and Mission
Pope Francis invites everyone, including you to participate in the first…

Ennis and Clare: Lest We Forget

Ennis and Clare: Lest We Forget is a pictorial history of Ennis and Clare stretching through the 20th Century compiled by Paddy Brennan, and is now on sale in the parish office and local bookshops. Profits from the book go towards the Cathedral Renovation Appeal. As there are only a limited edition in print,  at…

A Sacred Space for Cremated Remains

There has been great interest in the installation of our new Columbarium which will be located in the mortuary chapel and as a result, on Thursday 16th September John Cooke from RTE Radio 1 Drivetime interviewed Joseph and Amanda from Eternum Columbarium, Fr. Tom, and parishioners who have chosen to reserve a niche in the…

Ordination of Antun Pašalić to the Diaconate

Antun, our Seminarian from Croatia, was ordained a Deacon in the Cathedral of SS Peter & Paul Ennis on Wednesday 8th September 2021. The ordaining prelate was Bishop Fintan Monahan, Bishop of Killaloe. Antun was joined by his brother and his family in the Cathedral and by his parents, brothers, and sisters, online from their…