
Domestic Violence

There is never an excuse for domestic abuse, no matter what the circumstances are.
For anyone who feels they are at risk of abuse, it is important to remember that there is help and support available to you. If you are experiencing Domestic Violence at this time, you may wish to call 065-6822435. You…

Words of Support and Thanks from Bishop Fintan

I hope you are keeping very well and continue to enjoy the glorious weather.
Please find below some messages of support and blessing for our outstanding teachers in primary school and Leaving Cert students.
Support and thanks for teachers of Sacraments
Support and blessing for Leaving Cert Students

Donate to our Parish Online

During these difficult and challenging times the Parish is very grateful for the support and generosity of the offerings we have received from parishioners over the past few weeks.
Following requests received for an online donation facility, we are very happy to be able to introduce a Make a Donation button on our…


If you need to speak to an experienced couples and relationship counsellor during this time of unprecedented stress and pressure on family life. Contact 01-531 3331 , Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm

Clare Covid-19 Community Response Helpline

The helpline can put you in touch with local volunteers who can assist with delivering basic needs such as shopping, medicine, fuel, farming support etc. to those who need it especially isolated & vulnerable groups who need our help. Please share this information with anyone you think may find it useful!

Tel: 1890 252943

A Message from the Poor Clare Sisters

In the light of the recent guidance from the government about Covid-19, we regret to tell you that we, the Poor Clare sisters, will not be meeting people at reception for the moment. Our front door will be closed. If you have prayer intentions or need to get a message to the community, please write…

Killaloe Diocese responds to Government recommendations in relation to COVID -19 (Corona Virus) Pandemic

Killaloe Diocese responds to Government recommendations in relation to COVID -19 (Corona Virus) Pandemic

Pastoral Message of Bishop Fintan Monahan

Killaloe Diocese

 12th March 2020

Following the recommendations of the Government and Public Health Authorities this morning, the Diocese of Killaloe wishes to put measures in place to help ensure the containment of the virus…

Pendant Alarms

A Pendant Alarm can save your life in the event of an accident, or any other emergency.  It can be pressed in any situation when you need help and cannot reach a telephone.
Alarms are available for landline and mobile.  For further information and application form please contact Family Carers Ireland (Ennis) @ 0656893690

Booklet for all who died in Ennis Parish, November 2018 – November 2019

Booklets available in the parish office

Welcoming New Catholics

Perhaps you have considered becoming a Catholic or you know someone who may be considering this but just don’t know how.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – the RCIA – is for people who want to become a Catholic.
We invite…