Seeking donations of Wool and Knitting Needles
The Crafty Crew at Ennis National School are seeking donations of wool and knitting needles
for their club. All donations may be dropped to Ennis…
Polish Community Pilgrimage to St John’s Well, Killone
Fr Dariusz and the Polish Community went on pilgrimage to St John’s Well in Killone on Saturday 14th September, the Feast of…
Parish After School Sacramental Preparation
There is an excellent after school programme available for the preparation of children who are not attending a Catholic School in Ennis Parish, whose parents wish them to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation,…
Bro Ian Cunningham -First Profession
On Thursday 15th August, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Ian Cunningham, Elm Park, son of Caroline & Denis and brother of Sarah made his First Profession…
Ennis CBS 50 year reunion
Ennis CBS 50 year reunion October 12th 2019. a committee has been formed to orgainse a 50 year reunion of CBS classes from first year 1964 to Leaving cert 1969. if you haven’t been contacted already and wish to take part in this get together which is scheduled for Saturday 12th October 2019, please contact…
Graduation of Antun Pasalic
We congratulate our Clerical student Antun Pasalic who graduated from University Hospital Cork in Clinical Pastoral education. Antun was part of our Parish Team this year on Pastoral placement. After…