
Primary School Enrolment for the School Year 2019-2020

Primary School Enrolment for the School Year 2019-2020. Ennis Parish Schools’ Agreed Application System. Parents/Guardians wishing to enrol their children into Junior Infants (2nd Class in the Holy Family Senior School) are advised that application forms are available from each school. The closing date for receipt of completed Application forms is Thursday 7th February at…

Pilgrimages 2019

Killaloe Diocese Lourdes  Pilgrimage 2019
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes; Mary, God’s Mother appeared to Bernadette in Lourdes 161 years ago  and asked that people would come on pilgrimage to Lourdes. The Killaloe Diocesan Pilgrimage will be led by Bishop Fintan Monahan who warmly invites you to join him in Lourdes from the 25th June…

Clare Haven Services Insights Programme

 A free and confidential weekly programme for women who are or have been in an abusive domestic relationship will commence in Ennis  end of Sep. Further information please contact Clare Haven Services on 065 6842646.


Novena Prayer to St.Anthony

We will continue to pray the Novena Prayer to St.Anthony for your intentions at the 9:30 mass in Cloughleigh every Tuesday at the 9:30 mass. All are welcome to come and seek the intercession of this powerful saint. 


Low Gluten Hosts

Low Gluten Hosts are available to receive at communion in Ennis Parish. The principal celebrant is the minister carrying these hosts for Holy Communion.



 The service has been much improved and updated in recent months making it easier for our callers contact us.  We now  have a Free To Caller No: 116 123. Our new e mail address is

& our texting no. is 087 260 90 90.  We have 100 Volunteers here in…

Oncology nurse specialist

 Oncology nurse specialist facilitating a meeting for cancer patients Tuesday 11th at 11am. Private sessions available before and after the session. Lymphodema management also available. Slainte an Chlair, Kilnamona 087-6912396.


Mother's Prayers

In Cloughleigh Church every Tuesday evening from 7:00-7:45. During Mother’s Prayers we pray for our children and all who need our prayers. New members are always welcome and we would love to see you there. For further information contact Noreen on (085) 1530051


The Art of Mindful Listening

An 8 week Introduction to Counselling Skills & Personal Development starting evenings in September in Ennis.

 For more information contact Pauline Bradley on 087 6383988


volunteer Ministry of Catechist and Ministry of Pastoral Care

Information evenings on the new volunteer Ministry of Catechist and Ministry of Pastoral Care being developed by the Diocese will be held at three locations around the Diocese in early September. These are the venues, times and dates:

Kilrush, Community Centre: Wednesday, September 12th at 8pm.

Ennis, Pastoral Centre: