
Christmas Mass at the Cathedral

Large numbers of people gathered for the Christmas Masses in Ennis Parish. Bishop Fintan was the celebrant of the 9.00pm Vigil Mass in the Cathedral during which he received the Peace Light from Bethlehem, presented by Alex Furey of the first and fourth Clare Scouts.
Our thanks to all involved in the Liturgy, especially…

O’Connor’s Newsagents Close for the Last Time

Christmas Eve 2024 was a sad and difficult day for the O’Connor family as they turned the lock on their  Shop in the Market in Ennis for the final time. For over 40 years the family provided a daily service to the community, from daily newspapers to weekly magazines. including the Farmers Journal, into many…

Bethlehem Peace Light

The Peace Light of Bethlehem is an Austrian initiative that began in 1986. Every year since then a flame has been carried from the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem to Vienna on the country’s national airline, then distributed worldwide by the Scouting Association. The light arrived in Dublin during the week and was collected…

Cantare Christmas Concert

Cantare held a Christmas Concert in the Cathedral on Friday 20th December, celebrating the festive season in music, and song. The proceeds on the night were donated to The Samaritans. Our thanks to John O’Neill Photography for the photos.

Advent Ecumenical Carol Service

Our annual Ecumenical Carol Service took place on Gaudette Sunday 15th December with the combined choirs of Ennis Parish. This year we welcomed Rev. Vicki Lynch and her congregation from St. Columba’s in Bindon Street, who led us in song and prayer.

The People of High Street and Parnell Street Book Launch

The latest publication from Clare Root Society, The People of High Street and Parnell Street, was launched on Thursday 5th December in the Parish Centre. Fr Joy celebrated Mass for Deceased families of Parnell Street, High Street, and formerly Mill Street in the Cathedral, followed by the book launch in the Parish Centre by the…

Congratulations Fr Joy!

On 3rd December 2024, the Feast of St. Francis Xavier, Fr Joy received his Irish citizenship at a ceremony in Killarney. We congratulate Joy and thank him for his service to our parish and pastoral area over the last six years and wish him many more years here in Ireland bringing gospel joy to our…

Rite of Acceptance into The Order of Catechumens

At the vigil Mass for the beginning of Advent, in the Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul Ennis, Fr Tom Ryan accepted the candidacy of Umit from  Turkey, Basant from Ireland, and Sidharth from Kerala, India, who asked to be received into the Church as Catechumens preparing for Baptism with Bishop Fintan Monahan on Holy…

Ennis Native Fr. Brendan Coffey OSB Appointed Prior of Sant’Anselmo, Rome

Shortly after his election in September, Abbot Primate Jeremias Schröder appointed Fr. Brendan Coffey, abbot emeritus of Glenstal Abbey in Murroe, County Limerick, Ireland, as prior of Collegio Sant’Anselmo, Rome. Fr. Brendan will assume formal responsibility for his new role on 7th  January 2025.

Joseph (Brendan) Coffey was born in Ennis, Co Clare, in 1970.…

Fr Michael O’Loughlin R.I.P.

Fr. Michael O’Loughlin
1935 – 2024
Michael was born to Peter and Margaret O’Loughlin on the 29th September, 1935. Educated at the Convent of Mercy, Ennis CBS Primary and Secondary Schools, he studied for the Priesthood at St. Columban’s College, Dalgan Park, Navan, Co. Meath, where he was ordained on 21st December 1960.