
Cloughleigh Altar Society


Cloughleigh Oratory are looking for people to form an Altar Society. Duties would include some polishing of chalices, keeping altar cloths clean and keeping the flowers maintained. Anyone interested should contact Fr. Ger through the Parish Office on 065 6824043. 


Triduum in honour of St. Pio of Pietrelcina

padre-pio21st to the 23rd of September, 2018.

Mass will be held every evening at 7:30p.m.

Ennis Franciscan Friary

Fri. 21st: Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan, Bishop of Waterford.

Sat. 22nd: Archbishop Jude Thaddeus Okolo, Papal Nuncio

Youth 2000 Prayer Meeting

meetingYouth 2000 Prayer Meeting restarts September 7th and continues every Friday at 7pm in the Poor Clare’s Oratory, Ennis. Join other young adults for prayer and reflection followed by tea and chats. All are welcome.


The Rock Run & Walk Scoil Chriost Ri, Cloughleigh


The Rock Run & Walk 5k Thursday September 20th at 6.30pm starting from the rock in Scoil Chríost Rí Cloughleigh schoolyard. Register from 5.00 p.m at the school. Adults €10 or Families €20. If you are looking to beat your personal best or just enjoy a stroll come…

Mother's Prayers in Cloughleigh Church

motherMother’s Prayers in Cloughleigh Church every Tuesday evening from 7:00-7:45. During Mother’s Prayers we pray for our children and all who need our prayers. New members are always welcome and we would love to see you there. For further information contact Noreen on (085) 1530051


Taize Prayer

Extending a welcome to all to join us for Taize Prayer

Thursday 6th September 7.45 – 8.30pm

Church of Our Lady Roslevan.


Ennis Senior Citizens

 Ennis Senior Citizens Group will recommence their bi-weekly meetings in the Community Centre on Chapel Lane on Wednesday, September 12th At 8:00. If you are over 65 and find the winter nights lonely we invite you to come and join us for bingo, music, friendship and fun. Bus transfer available. To avail of…

Piano Lessons


Ballybeg,  are pleased to announce that they have 2 available piano slots for this coming year.
Registration and Enrolment is open to children/Adults and will take place this coming week. We would be delighted to take a call from you.
Please contact:  Patricia Russell 086 3680821


Piano Lessons with…

Back To Education Initiative

For adults interested in undertaking a Leaving Cert programme in subjects such as Maths, English, History or Geography,  the Back To Education Initiative will hold information sessions at its Further Education and Training Centre campus in Clonroad, Ennis on Monday September 3rd at 7:30pm and at its Bru Na Sionna Campus in Shannon…


  • Lourdes Autumn Pilgrimage: Due to great demand for the Autumn pilgrimage a second aircraft has been secured for the Autumn Pilgrimage on Sunday 7th October returning Friday 12th October €679 pps with €10 discount for online booking to            …