

This month’s Meeting will be held on Friday 31st August at Carrigoran Wellness Centre, Newmarket-on-Fergus from 10 am – 1pm.  Anybody with Parkinson’s and their Family/Carer

welcome.  Contact: 087 2272782


Fundraiser for Limerick Suicide Watch

An evening of classical and traditional music will be taking place on the 7th of September in Kilnasoolagh Church, Newmarket-on-Fergus at 8pm. All proceeds of the concert will be given to the Limerick Suicide Watch. Professional local musicians including Aisling Lyons (harp), Fina Wurm (flute) and David Szabo (piano) will perform a mixed…

Supervised Study

Supervised Study will open at Rice College Ennis on Monday 3rd September 2018 for students from all secondary schools. Weekend Study commencing Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September. John Burns will provide a well supervised study service EVERY EVENING and WEEKENDS right throughout the school year. John runs a very strict and effective…

Guided Walk for Active Agers – Connolly

August 30 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

This is a 5km looped walk starting at Carney’s Pub in Connolly.

The walk will follow low grade roads with some inclines and will then continue on the newly developed path through the bog with fantastic views of Slieve Callan.…

Sister Ethel Normoyle Annual Golf Classic

Will be held at Woodstock Golf Club on Saturday 1st September. The proceeds will go to support the missionary work of Lissycasey nun, Sr Ethel Normoyle in the township of Missionvale, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The outing is a ‘team of four event’and is open to all golfers with a cost of €120…

Tickets for Pope Francis Visit to Ireland

Tickets available forwmof2018 Pope’s Visit to Ireland. Tickets for Mass in Phoenix Park on Sunday. Contact Parish Office 065 6824043

Post of Choir Director in the Cathedral

choir_origThe Cathedral of Sts Peter and Paul, Ennis, is seeking to appoint a Choir Director.  The post is a part time post with the expectation that the Director will lead one choir rehearsal during the week and lead one Sunday Eucharist. The Director will…

Family Fun Day

Clare Crusaders Children’s Clinic Family Fun Day and Tractor Run & Dog Show
Barefield Sunday 26th August 2pm to 5pm 
BBQ,Dog Show, 9 hole crazy golf, Pony Rides, DJ, Cake Sale, Icecream, Bonnie Baby Competition and Raffle 

All are Welcome 


Volunteer Ministry of Catechist and Ministry of Pastoral Care

Information evenings on the new volunteer Ministry of Catechist and Ministry of Pastoral Care being developed by the Diocese will be help at three locations around the Diocese in early September. These are the venues, times and dates: 

Kilrush, Community Centre: Wednesday, September 12th at 8 p.m.

Ennis, Pastoral…

Bus to Knock

Bus to knock on Sunday the 16th of September.

Please contact Stephen leahy @0861943960 to book a seat.