
Free Asthma and COPD Adviceline

 Speak to a specialist nurse over the phone about you or your child’s asthma or COPD. Free phone 1800 44 54 64 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday to book an appointment with a certified asthma nurse regarding asthma or hayfever queries.


Blood Donation Clinic

3000 units of blood are required every week. 

New Volunteer Ministries in the Killaloe Diocese

The Diocese of Killaloe is developing openings for two new lay volunteer ministries in the Diocese. Training programmes for the Ministry of Catechist and the Ministry of Pastoral Care will begin in the Autumn. These new ministries, open to women and men,  will be of interest to those already involved or those wishing…

Clare Branch of the Parkinson’s Association of Ireland

The recently formed Clare Branch of the Parkinson’s Association of Ireland will meet at Carrigoran Health & Wellness Centre, Newmarket-on-Fergus at 10.00 am on Friday next, 27th July.

One of the Group’s aims is to link people with Parkinson’s, their carer’s, relatives, friends and interested health and care professionals.  The meeting…

Fundraiser for Zara


Will you walk/run 2k or 6k with the Clare team in aid of Zara Cronin’s lifesaving Neurosurgery? Saturday 21st July starting 10am from Ruan Village. Entry Adult €20; Child €5.  Clare Hurling Team supporting Zara.

Life Saving Neurosurgery…

Aware Support & Self Care Group

Aware Support & Self Care Group Community Centre, Chapel Lane, every Tuesday at 8pm for individuals experiencing depression, bipolar disorder and mood conditions


Dementia Workshop

Partners in Homecare are holding a workshop at Orchard Wellness Centre, 1, St Anthony’s Terrace, Harmony Row, Ennis on Tuesday 10th July at 7pm. This workshop will help you recognise and understand “normal” and “not normal” ageing. It will provide essential information on how to have a positive and meaningful relationship with loved…


COMING TO CLARECASTLE IN JULY 2018  Age Action, in partnership with Roche Ireland, is running a special beginner/refresher computer class (iPad/Tablet/Smartphones also) for people aged 55+ who have little or no computer experience or who are apprehensive of technology and would like to increase their confidence. This class will take place in the…

Charismatic Summer Camp,

Fanore beach, N. Clare from Sun. July 9th.Daily Mass, Rosary, prayer and praise ,play for children etc. Come even for a day. Begins Sun. July 9th. Hire a mobile home or caravan or get B.& B. Further info. from Devaneyd@tcd.ieThe camp has been running since early 1970’s.


Clare Archaeological and Historical Society

 An outing to Caherconnell Stone Fort in Carron, Kilfenora and a visit to Poulnabrone Dolmen, led by Archaeologist, Joseph McCooey, takes place on Sunday 8th July. Meet at Caherconnell Stone Fort at 2pm. Admission charges: Fort €5. Enquiries to Tel 087 2262259