
Open Day at Kilrush RNLI

Kilrush RNLI invite you to their Open Day on Sunday 8th July from 1-5pm Our open day is an opportunity for everyone, families, interested groups to visit the station at Cappa,  Kilrush, meet the crew, see the lifeboat and visit the souvenir shop. Participate in the events on the day. Activities include: respect…

Online Theology Course.

Study theology by distance learning, attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from your own home – why not join us this autumn?. Register by September 25th. Call 01 4048124


Support the Foreign Missions

A container will be leaving for East Africa at the end of August in support of the foreign Missions. We are appealing for old spectacles, old Rosary Beads and used stamps. Also holy Christmas Cards, Easter Cards and Mass Cards. Baskets will be left in the porches of each door of the Cathedral. …

Guided Walks for Active Agers (Over 50’s)

Guided Walks for Active Agers (Over 50’s) – Thursday 28th June @ 11am – The Cloondorney Lake Loop, Tulla. This is a 7km looped walk along part of the East Clare Way, walking route starting in Tulla. The walk will start and finish at the Clare Walks’ office on Main Street, Tulla, V95…

World Meeting of Families Icon

wmofThe World Meeting of Families Icon will be on display in the Cathedral on Thursday 5th to Monday 9th July



God, our Father,

We are brothers and sisters in Jesus your Son,


World Meeting of Families

On Friday August 24th at the World Meeting of Families Congress, the Munster Province (which includes Killaloe diocese) are invited to form a combined provincial choir to sing at 2 major liturgies (9am Morning Prayer in the Simmonscourt RDS, and 4pm Eucharist in the RDS Arena).  If your choir would like to participate please contact Mr Derek…

Golden Fitness Program

Ozone Gym are running their “Golden Fitness Program” – Physical Exercise for the Active Retired or more ‘wiser’ generation (50+ yrs). Structured and movement based workouts to improve mobility, a very moderate intensity, low impact work.

Class runs from 2pm – 2.45pm every Tuesday and Thursday.

Tea/Coffee included afterwards. Ozone gym in the Quin road industrial estate.


Sunflower Days for Hospice Care

Since the early eighties Cahercalla Hospice has been caring for Clare’s terminally ill patients. Hospice Sunflower Days take place throughout County Clare on Thursday 7th, Friday 8th and Saturday 9th June. Please buy some sunflower merchandise and support the vital work our local Hospice Service provides for…

Ordination of Martin Shanahan


On Sunday 3rd June in the Parish Church of Mullagh, Martin Shanahan will be ordained to the Priesthood for serving in the Diocese of Killaloe by Bishop Fintan Monahan.

Martin has spent the past year on Pastoral placement in Ennis parish where we have come…

Annual Novena

st-anthonyIn honour of  St. Anthony   

Friary  Mon 4th – Wed 13th June

Preacher: Fr. Christopher Twomey.

Weekdays: 10am & 7.30pm

(10am & 7.30pm Saturdays, noon & 7.30pm on Sunday)

Feast of St. Anthony: Tuesday 13th June.  Blessing of Children 3pm.