
Mid West ARIES FREE Recovery & Well-Being in Mental Health Workshops

ARIES is the Advancing Recovery in Ireland Education Service serving the Mid West Region. If you have an interest in mental health, well-being and recovery, please come along to our free workshops in the Sonas Centre, Chapel Lane, Ennis each Tuesday from 6.30pm-9.30pm 22nd May – 12th June. For further information contact Mike…

Pray and play

Continues every Sunday at 11:30 in chapter room at Cathedral. An opportunity for children up to and including Communion age to learn about the Gospel in a safe, supervised environment.


Clare branch of the Irish Kidney Association

irish-kidney-associationClare branch of the Irish Kidney Association welcomes donor families, transplant recipients & their carers, along with the general public to their Mass of Remembrance & Thanksgiving; Sunday 20th May; 11 30am; Ennis Cathedral.


We remember them,

Hour for Life

Abbey Cluster Holy Hour For Life


4-5pm, Sunday 13th May

Cathedral with combined choirs of the Abbey Cluster.


Registration and ticketing for World Meeting of Families

 Registrations and Ticketing 

At the moment the tickets for the Festival of Families in Croke Park on Saturday Night and the Closing Mass in Phoenix Park on Sunday afternoon are not available on general release until consultations with the relevant statutory agencies on capacity, transport, security, safety and other issues are completed. When these tickets…

Young Pioneers

The students who made confirmation in the parish national schools this year are invited to make a promise: to abstain from alcoholic drink until they are eighteen and to abstain from illicit drugs for life on May Saturday 19th   6: 30pm mass in the Cathedral. They will receive a pioneer pin and their…

Ennis Padre Pio Prayer group

padre-pioThe monthly Mass of the Ennis Padre Pio prayer group will be held in the Ennis Franciscan friary on Thursday May 17 th at 7.30pm.

All are welcome


Clare Prolife Groups

Clare prolife groups have a “Lifts for Life” scheme throughout Co. Clare, which is created to help prolife voters, who have no means of transport to get to polling stations on May 25th. If you need a lift to the polling station, we will do our best to send a driver your way. We also…

Pray & Play Group

Pray and play continues every Sunday at 11:30 in chapter room at Cathedral. An opportunity for children up to and including communion age to learn about the Gospel in a safe, supervised environment. 


Re-Enactment of the Battle of Dysert O'Dea

This year is the 700 anniversary of the “Battle of Dysert O’Dea” 1318. On May 12th @ 12noon the re-enactment story will take place at Dysert O’Dea castle, beginning with a Mediaeval pageant craftsmanship; butter churning, blacksmithing, woodturning, pottery making, thatching and much more.