Lá ‘le Pádraig, Mass Times
Friday Vigil Mass @ 7.30pm
Saturday 9.30am
Vigil Mass for 5th Sunday of Lent: 6.30pm
St. Josephs:
Friday Vigil Mass @ 7pm
Friday Vigil Mass @ 7.30pm
Saturday 9.30am
Vigil Mass for 5th Sunday of Lent: 6.30pm
St. Josephs:
Friday Vigil Mass @ 7pm
For LIFE & FAITH, 18th March at 2:30pm, Kilbaha Beach. 30,000 people prayed the Rosary at the Coast for Life & Faith. Please join us as we bring this urgent intention to our Mass Rocks and places where our ancestors showed incredible faith during the penal times.
Operation Transformation for the Soul: The Operation Transformation programme on television is very successful in how it inspires people of all ages to live healthy lives. Fr Seán Maguire, Kilmore Diocese, has developed a Operation Transformation for the Soul, which caters for the holistic well being of the person. For more information, please…
“Motherhood: All love begins and ends there” – Robert Browning. This Mothering Sunday we pray for mothers across the developing world who strive to create a better future for their children. Mothers like those in Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Ethiopia where a hunger…
Enjoy a Hack and Cross Country Ride around Doora/Quin and surrounding areas.
On Sunday, March 18th. at 1.p.m. from the Shibeen, Doora.
A great day out is guaranteed with jumping optional.
It is suitable for all levels of Horse/Pony and Riders. Entries taken on the…
The rescheduled ‘Patricia Corbett Memorial Walk/Run’ will be held in Labasheeda on Monday March 19th. This year we remember Fr. John Kelly RIP who regularly walked the route. The course is 6 miles/10km around Labasheeda peninsula registration from 12 noon and beginning at 12.30pm. Entry fee €10. Proceeds will go towards Sr. Ethel…
The Monthly Mass of the Padre Pio prayer group will meet in the Fransciscan Friary on Thurs 15th March @ 7.30pm. All welcome
Raffle for Teddy & Easter egg. All funds raised for Cathedral Organ restoration
The Parish Faith Friend’s programme is up and running for the Confirmation classes for Ennis National & Scoil Chríost Rí. Holy Family will begin on March 7th. We thank the young people from Transition Year in Rice College and St. Flannan’s College who are…
Home baking sale after 6.30pm Mass in the Cathedral on Sat Mar 3rd. Also a coffee morning and bun sale in the chapter room will be held after both masses on Sun, Mar 4th, to raise funds to help restore the…