
Counselling service

Affordable Counselling for adults and adolescents at the Willow  Counselling Centre, Sonas, Chapel Lane, Ennis. All Counsellers and Psychotherapists are members of professional accrediting bodies. For appointment please phone 085 7820000


Invitation for Youth Readers and Ministers of Holy Communion For Transition Year students and upwards

Parents… if your son or daughter would like to be involved in this ministry encourage them to come along to the Cathedral on Thursday 1st February 3.20pm so that they can discover how they can participate….Contact the parish office on 065 6824043


Meeting Rooms available for rent

Cloughleigh Community Centre has meeting rooms available daily and evening times. Also Main Hall available on Thursday’s from 12:30pm. Reasonable rates. Contact Noel Fawl 0860610211 or Fr. Tom O’Gorman 087 2285355.


Set Danicng classes

Cloughleigh CCE; Ennis Branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann; Set Dancing Classes in Woodstock Golf Club: Mondays at 8.30pm; Everyone Welcome. Info: 087-9738482.


Pilgrimages 2018

MEDJUGORJE GROUP PILGRIMAGE 2018 from SHANNON on 16th May to 23rd May Accompanied by Fr. Gerard Fitzgerald as Spiritual Director. Cost: €579 if deposit paid by 1st Feb, thereafter cost: €629. Enquiries: Kathleen: 086 1031508 or Mary: 086 3629808.

Killaloe Diocese pilgrimage to Lourdes: Bishop Fintan Monahan…

Bellharbour Point-to-Point & Family Fun Day

Bellharbour Point-to-Point & Family Fun Day, Race Track Run (in association with Clare Crusaders): The County Clare Point-to-Point & Family Fun Day (dog show, bouncy castles etc.) at Bellharbour on Sunday February 4th (First race 1pm, Admission €10, Free entry for children < 16 yrs.). Inaugural Race Track Run (5k) in association with…

Guided Walk for Active Agers (Over 50’s)

 Thursday 25th January @ 11am. We will leave Quin Community Hall, Quin at 11am on Thursday 25th January (weather permitting) for a 7km walk passing Quin Abbey, St. Fineen’s Church and Ballyhickey Lead Mine. This walk is mostly on quiet roadways with no hills. There is an optional coffee stop in Quin when…

Active Older Adult Group Exercise Classes

Resume Monday: Fahy Hall, Roslevan, 5pm -6 pm, Quin Community Centre 11.30 am – 12.30 pm; Tuesday: Cois na habhna, 12 Noon; Thursday: Pairc na Coille, Showgrounds, Drumbiggle, 2pm – 3 pm; Contact John 087 6666927. All Classes Pay as you go.


Ennis senior citizens’ club

Meetings resume every fortnight starting on Wednesday January 24th; 8pm in the community centre at chapel lane. If you are over 65 and would like to meet new friends, play bingo, have a sing song and a dance then you are more than welcome to join us.


Pray and play

Pray and play has resumed at the cathedral at 11:30am mass on Sunday. If you want your children to learn about their faith in a safe, fun and supervised environment, we invite all children up to First Holy Communion ages.