
Ennis senior citizens’ club

Meetings resume every fortnight starting on Wednesday January 24th; 8pm in the community centre at chapel lane. If you are over 65 and would like to meet new friends, play bingo, have a sing song and a dance then you are more than welcome to join us.


Pray and play

Pray and play has resumed at the cathedral at 11:30am mass on Sunday. If you want your children to learn about their faith in a safe, fun and supervised environment, we invite all children up to First Holy Communion ages.


Clothing Collection Fundraiser

clothing-donation-photoScoil Chríost Rí Cloughleigh is holding a clothes’ collection fundraiser. If you are doing a clear out of old clothes after Christmas, unwanted clothes will be recycled to raise much needed funds to finish off our new school. These…

Irish Cancer Society

irish-cancer-society-1675Mass Celebrated by Bishop Fintan Monahan,Sunday 21st January, Cathedral, Ennis @ 3pm

Refreshment served afterwards.

All Welcome


Feast of the Epiphany

epiphanyFeast of the Epiphany, Church Holyday, Saturday, 6th January


Vigil Mass Friday 5th:

Cathedral:      7.30pm

Friary:             7.30pm

St. Joseph’s:   7.30pm


Saturday 6th:

The Cathedral: 7.45am; 10am…

People of the Year Awards

people-of-the-yearMany people are working in a voluntary capacity (often unnoticed), giving of their time and energy in the service of others and enriching our community. Some years ago, the Pastoral Council decided to acknowledge their contributions and awards have been…

New Year’s Eve

happy-new-year-2018-1Pray out the Old Year

Pray in The New Year

Cathedral 31st December @ 11.40pm.


Christmas Carol Service

xmas-carol-serviceParish Carol Service in Friary Sunday 17th December; 7pm. Celebrate this occasion as a family to help us have the “Real” Christmas atmosphere in our lives and homes.

All welcome!


Bambinelli Sunday (Baby Jesus Sunday)

bambinelliBambinelli Sunday (Baby Jesus Sunday): A Beautiful Advent Tradition. Every year on one of the Sundays of Advent, families bring the figure of the Baby Jesus to St. Peter’s Square in Rome for the Pope to bless. It is called “Bambinelli Sunday.”…

A Confidential free Service available in Roscrea

A CONFIDENTIAL FREE SERVICE AVAILABLE IN ROSCREA:  Catherine Harty, a Qualifed Counsellor who has worked with North Tipperary Hospice for many years, is available in Roscrea Parish Centre every Thursday from 9.30am.  Tel 087-1236696.  The purpose of this service is to support those who are on a cancer journey or their family members/carers.  Catherine is…