
Christmas Concert

lions-clubLions Club of Ennis in aid of

*The Alzheimer Society

*Clare Haven Services

*Bushy Park

*Ennis Mental Health Association

*Day Care Centre, Clarecastle

Proudly present The Band of An Garda Siochana in Concert at Glór
Thursday 23rd November 8pm

Tickets: €20 at Glór Box Office

Support Service for male victims of domestic abuse

Amen: Support Service for male victims of domestic abuse are now holding an outreach service in this area. If you or a man you know is experiencing domestic abuse & you would like to gain information or support, contact the confidential helpline on 0818 22 22 40 to make an appointment with a Support Worker.

St. Anne's School Fundraiser:

 Cash for Clobber. We would welcome any unwanted clothes, hats, shoes, bags, belts, towels and bed linen. Please drop bags to school reception during school hours on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th November. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Clare COPD Support Group

An Awareness Day on November 16th from 11am to 3pm  at Cois na hAbhna.  Free Spirometry Test, Smoke Cessation advice, Inhaler techniques etc. Lots of stands, Tea/Coffee, Spot Prizes. All welcome.


Clare Roots’ Society.

Two new Books from Clare Roots’ Society will be launched on Thursday 9th November at 8 pm in The Old Ground Hotel. Women of Clare by Lucille Ellis. The story of 16 Clare women who made a difference to the lives of so many all over the world. Drumcliffe Section B by Flan…

Bereaved by Suicide:

 When we remember our dead during November it can be particularly difficult if we have lost a family member or friend through suicide. It helps, at this time, to talk to someone who listens and supports. Help and support is offered by Clare Suicide Bereavement Support volunteers. They are only a phone call…

Christmas Concert

xmas_concert_Ennis Cathedral,  Friday 8th December at 8pm,

Featuring:Karoline O’Sullivan; Cathedral Choir; Cantare Chamber Choir; The Burren Trio; Quin & Tonic Choir; And many others

Tickets: €10 from Parish Office.

In aid of Cathedral…

Matt Talbot Novena:

 The sixth session of this year’s Matt Talbot Novena takes place at the usual time of 7pm on Tuesday in SS John & Paul Church, Shannon, when our Preacher will be Fr. Noel Kirwan, Adm. St. John’s Cathedral, Limerick. Praying each week for all suffering or sharing in the life of addictions. Petitions/Prayers…

Changes to Masses in Ennis

   mass-schedules1As you will be aware, since the Killaloe Diocesan changes during the summer, two of our Ennis priests are now serving the parishes of Quin and Tulla. This means that an additional six masses have been added to the…

Fundraise for the Lions Club

Lions Club of Ennis proudly present The Band of An Garda Siochana   in Concert at Glor, Thursday 23rd November 8.00pm

Tickets e20 at Glor Box Office

in aid of

*The Alzheimer Society

*Clare Haven Services

*Bushy Park

*Ennis Mental Health…