
Foster Carers wanted in Clare

Could someone like you, help someone like me?  TUSLA; the Child and Family Agency are running a recruitment campaign for Foster Carers in Clare from the 30th of October to the 10th of November 2017.

Information sessions are taking place on Wednesday 8th November (6pm – 7.30pm) and


Cuan an Chlair

Located in the grounds of Cahercalla is now open Monday to Friday offering a friendly fun environment, a variety of activities and

services along with a home cooked meal. Contact Hannah on 0864183535 To check eligibility criteria.



St. Vincent de Paul

 The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Ennis would appreciate a donation of a large size Santa Suit for our up and coming Santa’s Grotto.  All proceeds of this event will go into assisting those in our communities who are experiencing hardship.

 You can contact James or Marrita on 065…

A Concert on the Canticle of Creatures of St. Francis of Assisi

franciscan-friaryA FREE “Concert of Thanksgiving” will take place in the Franciscan Church, Ennis, on November 16th at 7.00pm.   The Franciscans have commissioned a new composition of the Canticle of St. Francis of Assisi.  The Canticle inspired Pope Francis’ encyclical…

Our Mid West Simon

Our Mid West Simon shop in Ennis is currently very understocked. We are appealing to the public for donations of mens, womens and children clothing and footwear, bed linen and curtains, household items, bric & brac, DVD’s and CD’s.




AMEN supporting men experiencing domestic abuse. Outreach services available in Ennis. Phone 0818 22 22 40 for appointment.


Clare Parkinson’s Support

parkinsonsWe would like to invite you to the next Support Group meeting for people affected by Parkinson’s Disease which takes place at Carrigoran Health & Wellness Centre, Newmarket-on-Fergus at 10.00 am on Friday 27th October.

The Support Group’s…

Celebration of New Life & Blessing of Expectant Parents

blessing-of-expectatnEnnis Cathedral, Tuesday October 24th; 8pm

Everyone Welcome!


Ennis Old Folks

The Ennis Old Folks club have moved their meetings to every second Wednesday night, beginning from Wednesday October 11th. The meetings will still take place from 8:00p.m. in Ennis community Centre on Chapel Lane.

Next Meeting on Wednesday October 25th at 8:00p.m.


Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People

deaf-hear Our next clinic will be Wednesday 18th October 2017, from 10:00am to 1:00pm. in the Parish Centre in the Cathedral Grounds, on Station Road, Ennis. 

This is a free service where you can acquire information regarding hearing loss, guidelines for good communication,…