
Personal Alarms

For persons aged 65 years and older. Now that the long dark evenings are fast approaching, it may be time to consider having a Personal Monitored Alarm installed in your home. The Seniors Alert Scheme encourages  older people to continue to live securely in their homes with confidence, independence and peace of mind.…


Bingo Great prizes; Jackpot: €1,500;

In Community Centre Sunday from 8pm.
All proceeds donated to renovation of Community Centre


Clare Haven Services Insights Programme –

 A free and confidential weekly programme for women who are or have been in an abusive domestic relationship will commence in Ennis in September.  For further information please contact Clare Haven Services on 065 6842646.  


Triduum in honour of St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Padre Pio 221st, 22nd, 23rd September.

Mass each evening at 7:30p.m. Ennis Franciscan Friary  
Thurs 21st: Bishop Brendan Leahy  Limerick
Fri 22nd: Fr. Tom Ryan P.P  Shannon 

Killaloe Diocesan Youth Faith Festivel

youth-faith-festDiocesan Youth Faith Festival on Sat, 30th Sept. in St. Flannan’s College. Open to those in Transition Year to Leaving Cert. Registration @ 9.30am with various workshops. Lunch provided & the entire event is free of charge. For details contact Tracy on Facebook…

Ennis StepFitt Autumn

Ennis StepFitt Autumn cardio & tone 6 week exercise programme will commence in the Gaelscoil, Gort Road on Tuesday  19th September 2017  from 7-8 p.m. suits all ages and all levels of fitness, for more details and to book your step contact Clare on 0876855569.



TOPICS COVERED:  Introduction to the Internet, Internet safety & security, Email, Search engines and websites, Online government services, Conducting everyday transactions, Online voice and video calls, Use of “Apps”.  Classes are held over 5 days (2 hours a day) and are free to anyone.  If you wish to enrol please contact Pauline/Mary Ellen at CIOC, Elevation Business Park, Clonroad,…

TeenSTAR Information day:

 For all those with an interest in helping young people with their relationships (parents, teachers, priests, religious, youth leaders etc.)  an introduction to the TeenSTAR program will be held in Ennismore on Saturday 16th Sept 9:30am-4:30pm.  For further information and to book please email, or call Máirín on 087-7950325. Places limited…

Music, dancing and drama classes

Traditional Music Group Class commences September in Cois na hAbhna 2pm each Saturday—Tel. 086 8181262

Piano Lessons with Marie – Edenvale, Ennis.  L.L.C.M. qualified – experienced Teacher.   Phone: 087 6483498 

Violin lessons for all ages enrolling for Sept. Exams through RIAM. Junior & Leaving cert music grinds.…

Carmody's Hotel Commemoration

Carmody’s Hotel 1804-1958

Clare Roots Society is preparing to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the tragedy at Carmody’s Hotel Jan 15th 1958 and are seeking your help.

Do you have any connection with the former Carmody’s Hotel?

Are you related to the former owners, The…