
Free Digital Skills Computer Classes

Topics covered: Introduction to the Internet, Internet safety & security, e-mail,  Search engines and websites, Online government services, Conducting everyday transactions,  Online voice and video calls,  Use of “Apps” Classes are held over 5 days (2 hours a day) and are free to anyone. If you wish to enrol please contact Pauline/Mary Ellen…


We are inviting the town of Ennis to help with this year’s National Tidy Towns’ Competition.  On Tuesday August 1st we would like everyone to participate in a 5 minute street clean.  Just open up your front door and bag any rubbish you see – all done in 5 minutes at a time…

Taizé Prayer

Gathering of all and everyone who might like to taste this quiet and reflective time of prayer. Church of Our Lady Roslevan

Thurs 3rd August, 7.30pm…..

note 7.30pm a little earlier than normal.


Mass in the extraordinary form

Next Mass in the extraordinary form(the Tridentine or ‘Latin’ rite) takes place on Sunday 6th August 2017 at 5.30 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Church.

All are welcome.


Fatima 1917—2017

Holy Rosary hour marking the centenary of the apparitions at Fatima. Thanking Our Lady for her maternal care. Rosary at the square Ennis, first Saturday 5th August; 2.30pm. All welcome.


1st Saturday devotions

In honour of Our Lady of Fatima, in Cathedral next Sat. Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament with Confessions, Rosary and Benediction, after 10am Mass.


Mass at St. Joseph's Well

st-josephs-wellAnnual  Mass at St. Joseph’s Well Our Lady’s,  Gort Road, on 15th August at 7.30pm.
Entrance through Our Lady’s Gates. All welcome


Charity Run

5K COLOUR RUN will be held in Quilty on Monday 7th August at 12noon.  Registration from 10.30am that morning! Lots of Local Celebs, DJ & Fitness Instructor Deirdre Glynn to get you warmed up!  Proceeds to Sláinte an Chláir Cancer Care and Cystic Fibrosis Clare Branch.


Volunteers Needed

Aware is a national organisation providing a range of free support services to individuals, families and communities concerned about depression. The demand for our services are continuing to grow and we are now recruiting volunteers to meet this demand.  No previous volunteering is required.  Full training will be provided. See or…

Bereavement Support Education Programme,

Milford Care Centre is offering a Bereavement Support Education Programme, commencing on the 20th September 2017 and will run over 12 consecutive Wednesday evenings with a non-residential personal development weekend on 6th – 8th October 2017. Fees apply and some bursaries are available.  This programme is aimed at anyone who is interested in…