Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock
The National Annual Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sunday, 24th September with Bishop Fintan Monahan as Chief Celebrant & Homilist.
The National Annual Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sunday, 24th September with Bishop Fintan Monahan as Chief Celebrant & Homilist.
Topics covered: Introduction to the Internet, Internet safety & security, email, Search engines and websites, Online government services, Conducting everyday transactions, Online voice and video calls, Use of “Apps” Classes are held over 5 days (2 hours a day) and are free to anyone. If you wish to enrol please contact Pauline/Mary Ellen…
Gathering of all and everyone who might like to taste this quiet and reflective time of prayer. Church of Our Lady Roslevan
Thursday 3rd August, 7.30pm….. note 7.30pm a little earlier than normal.
The annual pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick, Reek Sunday takes place this year on Sunday 30 July. Mass will be celebrated hourly on the summit at 8:00am; 9:00am; 10:00am; 11:00am; 12:00pm; 1:00pm & 2:00pm. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated from 7:30am – 2:00pm.
Summer Music on the Shannon (SMS), one of Ireland’s foremost summer classical music schools and festivals, will soon be commencing its 24th season of Instrumental and children’s opera classes in Ennis and Limerick, followed by performances in Ennis, in Ogonnelloe and resort communities along The Atlantic Way and in Limerick’s LIT Millennium Theatre.…
An emergency Collection in aid of Trócaire’s work in East Africa will take place in our Parish on the weekend 22nd-23rd July. Nearly 23million people in Somalia, Kenya & Ethiopia are currently in urgent need of food & water due to drought. Trócaire is…
Bus for one day retreat to Lough Derg on the 20th of August. contact Stephen Leahy @ 0861943960
The Priory Institute Online Theology Course. Join our supportive student community and study theology by distance learning this Autumn. Application deadline September 26th. Call 01 4048124. email enquiries@prioryinstitute.com. Web: www.prioryinstitute.com
The recent diocesan changes have impacted on the Abbey Cluster of Parishes and in particular Ennis Parish Clergy. We have been entrusted with the administration of the Parishes of Quin and Tulla. Fr. Brendan Quinlivan will administer Tulla Parish and Fr. Tom O’Gorman, Quin…
In recent weeks, the Friars in Ireland have met in their annual three year Chapter. A t this meeting the Friars elected a new leadership team and reviewed and planned their ministry . As a result changes take place in…