
Tour to Austria

7 day Air/Coach Tour to Austria departing Dublin on September 20th 2017. For inquires and information contact – Sr Annette Sexton 087 9247025


Clare Men’s Sheds:

Any unwanted/unused tools lying around? Clare Men’s Shed would be delighted to take them off your hands and divide them out to men’s sheds in our county that would greatly appreciate them. Contact Frank 085 2360060 or Flan 087 653 4966.


Diocesan Pilgrimage

knock-shrineAnnual Killaloe Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine Sunday 2nd July, sharing with Ferns as we have in previous years. Led by Bishop Fintan Monahan. Ceremonies begin 2:30pm. For bus transport contact: Glynn’s Coaches: 065 6828234


Clothing Collection:

 Recycle your unwanted Clean Clothes/Pairs of Shoes/Bed Linen/Towels/Curtains  for Gaelscoil Mhíchíl Cíosóg, Gort Road, Ennis, Co Clare. The school will be open on Saturday the 24th June  2017 from 10am to 1pm for drop offs. All donations welcome. GRMA


Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People

Our next clinic will be Wednesday 21st June 2017, from 10:00am to 1:00pm. in the Parish Centre in the Cathedral Grounds, on Station Road, Ennis. 

This is a free service where you can acquire information regarding hearing loss, guidelines for good communication, information on equipment for your home to help you…

Padre Pio Prayer Group

Padre Pio 2Ennis Padre Pio Payer Group Mass will be held at Friary at 7.30pm on Wednesday 21 June. All welcome. 


Happy Father's Day

Thank you, friend Jesus,
for my father who loves me,
for my grandfather who cares for me
and for God, my eternal father,
who made me and is always with me.
How Blessed…

Parish Walk

parish-walkLast June due to a very wet Sunday afternoon we cancelled the parish walk. The theme for that walk was ‘Marking the year of Mercy’ by Remembering people and tragedies dating back past 100 years. This walk will now take place next Sunday 18th…

Trinity Prayer Group

prayer-groupTrinity Prayer Group continues to meet each Tuesday night for Prayer, Praise and Scripture Sharing—8pm Meeting Room, 52 Kincora Park. All welcome.


Voice of Peace Ministry & Kairos Mission Ireland

voice-of-peaceResidental Adult & Youth Retreat, St Flannan’s College, Ennis
Holy Mass, holy Eucharist Adoration, Spiritual Sharing, Confession, Spirit Filled talk, Healing and deliverance prayers, Spiritual Councelling, Confessions, Uplifting Music and worship.
Led by Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly,  Br. Reji Kottaram, Rev. Fr. Antyson Anthony, Kairos…