Taize Pilgrimage
The annual Youth Taize Pilgrimage from the Diocese of Killaloe took place from the 1st to 7th of July. Fr Donagh O Meara, Myriam Black, and Joanne O’Brien accompanied the young people on the weeklong pilgrimage.
The annual Youth Taize Pilgrimage from the Diocese of Killaloe took place from the 1st to 7th of July. Fr Donagh O Meara, Myriam Black, and Joanne O’Brien accompanied the young people on the weeklong pilgrimage.
Our Cathedral Choir was well represented at this year’s Irish Church Music Association Summer School which was held in St Patrick’s College, Maynooth. Our thanks to our Cathedral Choir Director Fiona Walsh and Cathedral Organist Eoin Flynn for organising and arranging the choir attendance.
Fr Barry and his parents Matt and Margaret from Willow Park, joined the priests of the Cathedral for lunch on Wednesday 3rd July to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of his Ordination.
Ordained on 31st May 1999 in the Cathedral in Galway for the Galway Diocese, Fr Barry celebrated his First Mass in the Cathedral…
Shannon Airport was a buzz of activity on Friday 21st June as 189 pilgrims from the Diocese of Killaloe gathered for the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes. This year was the first time since 2019 that the Diocese was able to welcome back assisted pilgrims accompanied by Hospitality and a youth section to care for them.
Teresa Corcoran, a very faithful parishioner celebrates her 100th birthday today.
We congratulate Fr Tom Ryan who this weekend celebrates the 40th anniversary of his ordination to priesthood. An Ennis native, he was ordained on 9th June 1984 in the Cathedral of the Assumption, Thurles, and Tom’s ministry has taken him on a journey to Derry, Mullagh and Shannon before returning to Ennis in 2018. Ad…
Fr Joy was one of several Indian Priests invited to meet with Akhilesh Mishra, the Indian Ambassador to Ireland, in Dublin on Thursday 6th June.
Appointments to take effect from Friday 26th of July, except where otherwise stated
Pope Francis has appointed Mgr. Seamus Horgan, Washington DC to be Papal Nuncio. He will be ordained Archbishop on Saturday July 27th in the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul. He will take up appointment to South Sudan this Autumn. Every good…
Bishop Fintan celebrated the Fleadh Mass in the Cathedral on Sunday 2nd June, celebrating 50 years of Fleadh Nua in Ennis.
Our thanks to John O’Neill for the photographs.
Our thanks to the Polish Community for organising the procession here in Ennis in honour of the Feast of Corpus Christi.