
Annual Clare Burren Marathon Challenge

10th Annual Clare Burren Marathon Challenge – Saturday May 27th; The Burren, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare. Choice of Full, Half & 10K Mini marathons. Walk – Jog – Run, both on & off road, across the beautiful Burren terrain. phone 087 7779714. Charity Groups, individuals, runners, walkers – everyone.  

Irish Kidney Association Invitation —

kidney-assocThe Clare Branch of the Irish Kidney Association invite Donor Families transplant recipients, their carers along with the general public to their Annual Mass of Remembrance & Thanksgiving, on Sunday 21st  May at 12 noon in Ennis Cathedral. The Mass will be celebrated in…

A Glimpse of Paradise:

Ballynacally Development is planning a series of walks this summer showing the beauty of this area and its historic locations. The first walk planned for 12pm; Sunday 21st May is not to be missed as it guides walkers through the beautiful and unique Paradise Estate which overlooks the picturesque Shannon Estuary with its…

Annual Killaloe Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine

this year’s Pilgrimage will take place on Sunday 2nd July, sharing with Ferns as we have in previous years. Led by Bishop Fintan Monahan. Ceremonies begin at 2:30pm. For bus transport please contact: Glynn’s Coaches: 065 6828234

Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People Our next clinic will be Wednesday 17th May, from 10am to 1pm. in Ennis Parish Centre. This is a free service where you can acquire information regarding hearing loss, guidelines for good communication, information on equipment for your home to help you hear the doorbell,…

Clare Roots’ Society Workshop;

 “Getting the most out of your DNA results”. Presented by Mr. Paddy Waldron, Genetic Genealogist, Chairman CRS. 8pm; Thursday; 18th May; Old Ground Hotel. In recent years, several million people worldwide have submitted DNA samples for analysis and inclusion in online databases. The people in the DNA databases range from many members of…

A Summer’s Evening Concert

Franciscan Friary Choir & Clare Music Makers host “A Summer’s Evening Concert, Sunday 21st May at 4pm in Friary, Ennis. Donations at door proceeds to Franciscan Friary Development Fund.

Fundraising Concert in aid of Pieta House

logo-pieta‘Songs To Lift The Heart’, in aid of Pieta House.
Soprano, Janet Woods, accompanied by Michael Hennessey, will be joined by Ennis Gospel Choir on Saturday 27th May at 8pm in Ennis Cathedral. This promises to be an…

Scoil Chríost Rí Cloughleigh Fundraiser

‘Split the Pot’ is an exciting draw run every week in Scoil Chríost Rí Cloughleigh to raise funds for our new school. How it works: place €2 in the envelope & write your name & number on it. Draw every Thursday in Scoil Chríost Rí. Receive half the week’s takings if you are…

Fundraiser in aid of Pieta House.

 Social dance 8.30-11.30pm in Tracey’s West County hotel on Fri 26th May. Music by Frank Nash. Adm €10. Raffle on the night . Please support. Any enquiries / donations to Pascal 087 6615890