
Life in the Spirit Seminars

 The seven week programme of Life in the Spirit Seminars will begin in Crusheen Church Meeting Room on this coming Wed. May 10th from 8pm-9pm. The speaker on this Wed. May 10th is Dr. Jessie Rogers who lectures in Theology and Biblical Studies in NUI Maynooth. Dr. Rogers will also be the speaker…

Maranatha Healing Retreat and Family Tree Mass;

 Sunday, 21st May; 2.30pm; St. Pauls Church, Dooradoyle, Fr. Michael O’Shea, Limerick and Janice and Moss Carrigg, Limerick with beautiful Spirit Filled Praise and Worship Music and Song, Confessions, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Talk, Mass and Adoration and Laying on of hands for healing. Tea after in hall. All welcome….

Ennis Singers Club

Next session on Friday, 12th May  9.30pm in Grove Restaurant, Roslevan, Ennis. Special Guest is Mattie Murphy from Wexford, a wonderful singer and entertainer. All welcome.


Wool required

Wool required for a children’s charity knitting group. Any amount, colour type will be greatly appreciated. Please drop into the Parish Office


Ennis Tidy Towns Competition

Ennis Tidy Towns Competition Attention all Residential Estate Committees Green Areas Entry Forms now available at  Reception Ennis Chamber of Commerce. Phone 065-6842988 Best Kept Garden Competition Entry.  Forms now available at Reception Ennis Chamber of Commerce. Phone 065-6842988


Parish Visitation Team

Will visit Woodlands, Kilrush Road, starting 15th May. “Where 2 or 3 are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them”.


Medjugorje Prayer Meeting

Medjugorje Prayer Meeting Monday at 8pm Clarecastle Day Care Centre. All welcome.


Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock

The annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock this year will take place on Sunday 2nd July, sharing with Ferns as we have in previous years. This year Ferns Diocese will lead the ceremonies. Save the date – specific details will be announced at a later date

Saint Vincent de Paul

Church Door Collection takes place next weekend Sat. 13th & Sun. 14th May 2017. Donations can be left at Parish Office or SVP Shop 86 Parnell St. Please support, we can’t do it alone.


Ennis Track Athletic Club

Ennis Track Athletic Club’s Open Sports Day will take place on this Sunday, May 7th @ Lees Road Sports Facility, Drumcliffe Road, Ennis. Races will start at 12 noon sharp. Admission: €3 per adult, €3 per child (children aged 4 or under go free). Entry fee includes all race entries. Contact Gerry Hayes @ 086 3781912 or see