Mass & Anointing
Mass & Anointing for people with disabilities & chronic illnesses, Ennis Cathedral
Wednesday 3rd May 2pm.
Celebrant & Holimist: Bishop Fintan Monahan
All are welcome.
Mass & Anointing for people with disabilities & chronic illnesses, Ennis Cathedral
Wednesday 3rd May 2pm.
Celebrant & Holimist: Bishop Fintan Monahan
All are welcome.
There will be a blessing of Expectant parents in the Cathedral on May 4th at 8pm. All Welcome
ENNIS TIDY TOWNS Committee would like to extend their thanks and appreciation to Civil Defence, Youth Centre, Lions Club, McDonalds, Eire Og GAA Club and many others who came out last Saturday morning for the Ennis Tidy Towns Spring Clean 2017. Míle Buiochas
The Feast of Divine Mercy is a public feast day formally established by St John Paul 11 in May 2000. The Divine Mercy Devotion is inspired by the experiences and writings of a…
Cathedral: Holy Thursday, 13th April:
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm.
Adoration of Blessed Sacrament at Altar of Repose.
Adoration 8.30pm – 9pm.
“They took branches of palm and went out to receive him, shouting: ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who is coming in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel.’” John, 12:13. The palm is a symbol of peace and on this Palm Sunday we pray for the millions of people around the…
An 8 week Introduction to Counselling Skills including Personal Development, Theory and Skills Practice; running Thursday evenings from 4th May until 22nd June 2017 from 7 – 10 pm at the Clare Education Centre in Ennis. For further details please ring Pauline Bradley MIACP on 087 6383988
Introduction to the internet, Internet safety & security, Email, Search engines and websites, Online Government Services, Conducting everyday transactions, Online voice and video calls, use of “Apps”
Classes are held over 5 days (2 hours per day) if anyone wishes to enrol or need more information please contact Pauline/Mary Ellen at…
Weekly 12-step meeting for Adult Children of Alcoholics resumes in the Rowan Tree Hostel Fridays 7-8pm.
NCBI is looking for a female community-based volunteer to assist a visually impaired person in Ennis. If you have 1–2 hours per week to spare we would love to hear from you. Training and support provided. For further information please contact Aonghus Meaney at 061 310818 or email: