
Cash for Clobber

Holy family school fundraiser “Cash for Clobber”. Please drop to School reception March 20th – 29th during school hours in Bags. We would be delighted to take donations of All types of clothing, including Bags, Shoes, Hats, Belts, Towels & Bedlinen.


Irish Cancer Society

Irish Cancer Society charity shop thank all our customers & volunteers for support. We constantly need donations of clothes, Bric a Brac, book & furniture. Always in need of volunteers. Contact: 065 6848826


Volunteers needed

We are looking for local people to volunteer 2 to 3 hours of their time to help out with our National collection day in Ennis on Friday 31st March. Please help Make A Wish continue making memories that last many lifetimes. Contact Sue Cave on 087 9740397 to register or more information.


Youth Cafe

A New Youth Cafe has opened at Clare Youth Service, Carmody Street on Saturday’s, 1.30-4pm for young people aged 13-18 years. Come along, make new friends, listen to music or play table tennis. Cookery classes starting shortly. Enquiries to Evelyn 089 435 4141.


Spanchill drama group

Spanchill drama group presents Embarrissing Doctors. a two act play by Anita O’Loughlin. Quin Players present The Intruders, a one act play by Perer Horsier. Quin hall Sunday 5th March, doors open 7pm. Proceeds in aid of Cuan an Chláir. Admission €10 please support


Free English Language classes taught

Free English Language classes taught by supervised student-teachers, Clare Language centre, College Rd, Ennis. For more information call 065 6841681, email


Éire Óg Inis GAA

Éire Óg Inis GAA is fielding adult teams in Senior, Junior A&B and U21 hurling and Senior, Junior A & U21 football in 2017. New/returning members welcomed. Enquiries to Paddy: 087-2207767. March Registration Nights at Clubhouse: (Adult) Thurs 23rd from 8-10pm. (Academy)Thurs 16th


The Stations of the Cross will take place in the Cathedral before 10am mass during  the Fridays of Lent.


Talks for adult and youth

lent Lent is coming and we are offered a way of preparation to meet the merciful Father and put our hope in Him.  A series of talks for adult and young, will be given every Sunday and Wednesday at 7.30…


 Volunteer as a Facilitator with ACCORD Catholic Marriage Care Service:  If you feel that you have something to offer to people who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage and you are willing to give some voluntary time to train in this area then we, in the ACCORD Ennis Centre, would be delighted…