

  • Secondhand Wheelchair sought for voluntary group. Contact Frank, Community Outreach Worker for the Elderly (087)1818828.
  •  Any unwanted working sewing machines needed for a parish charity. Contact Parish Office
  • Holy Statues for a grotto. Contact 085 1311454


Clare Older People’s Council

Clare Older People’s Council will host a series of roadshows featuring invited speakers on topics of interest to people aged 55 plus  in Clare. The events will take place in Kilkee Library on Feb 15th; in St Joseph’s Tulla on 22nd Feb;  Maria Assumpta Hall Ennis on Feb 23rd; and Courthouse Gallery Ennistymon…

Clare Roots Society

Clare Roots Society
Lecture by Joe Buggy

Thursday 16th February 8pm Old Ground Hotel
Joe Buggy is a genealogist with Ancestry Pro Genealogists, the in-house research team of Based in Dublin, he conducts research on behalf of clients…

Sewing and Dressmaking lessons

Sewing and Dressmaking lessons for beginners and experienced will start Tuesday, 28th Feb. 6.30- 8.30pm in Gaelscoil Mhichil Ciosog Ennis. For more information please contact Susanna 0851243416.


Thinking about Priesthood?

come-and-see-vocations-poster-munsterCome and See!

A Vocations “Come and See” event will take place on 17thand 18th February 2017 in the Pallottine House in Thurles.  This gathering will welcome people from the Munster/Cashel province of Dioceses.

Last year there was a very…

Pilgrimages 2017

pilgrimage1ENNIS PARISH PADRE PIO TRIP TO ADRIATIC COAST & SAN GIOVANNI; For information contact Group Leader: Mary O’Sullivan: 087 1247669; Spiritual Director: Fr Tom Hogan P.P. All Dinners, Tours & Taxes included; September 15-22 – 2017; Afternoon flights from Dublin; …

Mile Buíochas

thank-youWe acknowledge the generosity of people in the Christmas period in supporting parish invitations.

Ecumenical Carol Service: Dec 18th proceeds to St Vincent de Paul €2,152.58.

Parish Christmas cards & Triduum Masses: Proceeds to Cathedral Organ restoration fund,…

St Bridget's Crosses

Available to purchase in the Parish Office, €3 each or two crosses for €5

Split the Pot Draw

Scoil Chríost Rí, Cloughleigh are running a weekly ‘Split the Pot Draw’ to raise funds for our new school. How it works: place €2 in the envelope & write your name & number on it. Draw every Thursday in Scoil Chríost Rí. Receive half the week’s taking if you are the winner. It…

Primary School Enrolment

Ennis Parish Schools’ Agreed Application System.

Parents/Guardians wishing to enrol their children into Junior Infants (2nd Class in The Holy Family Senior School) are advised that application forms are available from each school.


The Closing Date for Receipt of Completed Application Forms is Thursday, February 9th 2017 at 3pm


The agreed system operates…