

svp-blue-logoSAINT VINCENT DE PAUL, will hold its Christmas collection at Vigil Masses on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th December 2016 at each Church in Ennis and look forward to the generosity of the general public which is much appreciated. Our immediate concern is to…

Youth 2000

Youth 2000 invites all young adults between the ages of 16-35 to a Catholic weekend Retreat from 16th to 18th December at Newbridge College, Co. Kildare. This will be an exciting weekend attracting over 600 young people from all over the country. What to expect? Good fun, excellent speakers, inspiring talks and workshops,…

Bereavement Support Education Programme

lights-of-loveAre you interested to learn about Grief and Loss and how to Support the Bereaved?  Milford Care Centre is offering a Bereavement Support Education Programme (BSEP), running one evening a week for twelve weeks plus one weekend. If you are interested you should…

The Christmas story

ima-thechristmasstorycollectionFrom December 18th-24th in conjunction with Ennis Men’s Shed there will be a Christmas exhibition in the scout Hall just across from the Ennis Parish Office. The exhibition will present some scenes from the Christmas story such as the annunciation and Herod’s Palace and…

Giving Tree

givingtreeAn Advent Giving Tree is situated in the Cathedral at the side of the Altar. Any of the following can be donated: Tea, coffee, sugar, Tayto, selection boxes, minerals, biscuits, soup, jam, baked beans, cornflakes, custard, peas, crackers, shampoo, toilet rolls, tinned…

Bumbelance- National Ambulance Service

bumbleance_imageBumbleance The Children’s National Ambulance Service are currently running a charity recycling campaign. Recycle your reusable and unwanted smart phones, dvd’s and videos, consoles and controllers, digital cameras, ipads, ipods etc by dropping them to Scoil Chríost Rí. There will also be a collection…

Senior Citizen’s Scrabble Group

If you would like to meet for an hour or so on a Wednesday morning at 10am at the Junction, Cloughleigh to play Scrabble, please give your name to Frank/Community Outreach Worker for the Elderly (087) 1818828.


St. Vincent De Paul

The Society of St. Vincent De Paul in Parnell Street in Ennis is recruiting for staff on our Community Employment project for our exciting new shop opening soon. Please contact your local DSP Employment Services/Intreo Office to check your eligibility and to apply for this vacancy.  Job Reference Number will be required, the…

Instruments wanted

 ‘Have any unloved instruments you would like to re-home? If so, please contact Fiona, 087-9333291. All instruments will be donated to primary schools in need’


Volunteers needed

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul are recruiting volunteers for their exciting new shop opening in December.  If you are interested and have a few hours to spare each week please contact us on 065 6824188.  Full training will be provided.

We would also appreciate donations of good quality clothes,…